Mitchell Bard 
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© Mitchell Bard 2020

Curriculum Vita



Ph.D., Political Science, UCLA, 1987

M.P.P., Public Policy, Graduate School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley, 1983

B.A., with Honors, Economics, UC Santa Barbara, 1981


Executive Director, The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, Washington, D.C., 1993-Present. Responsible for developing policies, managing the staff, developing the budget and administering finances. Also, the organization’s advocate, fundraiser, principal writer and public spokesman. Created and maintains the organization’s web site, the Jewish Virtual Library (

Lecturer/Consultant, 1993-Present. Variety of services provided including lectures, writing newsletters, issue analyses, indexes, speeches, advocacy training, and columns. Clients have included Hillel, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Zionist Organization of America, Israel Bonds, and the Jewish National Fund.

Associate Director of Research & Information, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and Contributing Editor, Near East Report, Washington, DC, 1992. Wrote weekly articles for NER, conducted research on U.S. Middle East policy, prepared testimony, talking points and background materials for political and legislative departments. Since 1989, gave more than 60 speeches and briefings.

Editor, Near East Report, Washington, D.C., 1989-92. Responsible for all aspects of publication of weekly newsletter on U.S. Middle East policy. Supervised staff and administered $600,000 budget. Also responsible for writing, production and negotiations related to Myths And Facts.

Analyst, George Bush for President Survey Research Group, Washington, DC, 1988. Responsible for target groups, foreign affairs, national poll analysis, and special projects.

Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Irvine. 1986-1987. Collaborated on research concerning the politics behind the rescue of Ethiopian Jews.

Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, UCLA, 1984-1987. Courses in Public Opinion and Voting Behavior, Constitutional Law, American Politics, American Foreign Policy and Public Administration.

Research Assistant, Comparative Higher Education Research Group and Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA, 1984. Conducted interviews and research for Carnegie Foundation study on the academic profession.

Analyst, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, 1982. Researched and wrote articles for Inflation Watchnewsletter and assisted in research on book concerning Camp David peace process.

Analyst, California Employment Development Department, Sacramento, California, 1980-81. Helped develop high-technology job training program for the disabled. Wrote analysis of California solar industry. Authored “California’s Leading Growth Industries.


Goldsmith Research Award, Joan Shorenstein Barone Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, Harvard University, 1993.

Moody Grant, Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 1985-1986.

Graduate Honor Society, University of California, Berkeley, 1982-1983

President’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1981

National Economic Honor Society, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1980-1981

Regents’ Scholar, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1977-1981


The Water’s Edge and Beyond: Defining the Limits to Domestic Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy,  (NJ: Transaction Books, 1991)

U.S.-Israel Relations: Looking To The Year 2000, AIPAC Papers On U.S.-Israel Relations: 17, (DC: American Israel Public Affairs Committee, 1991)

Myths And Facts: A Concise Record Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict, (DC, Near East Research, Inc., 1992),  with Joel Himelfarb

Partners for Change: How U.S.-Israel Cooperation Can Benefit America, (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 1993)

Forgotten Victims: The Abandonment of Americans in Hitler’s Camps, (Westview Press, 1994, paper, HarperCollins/Westview, 1995)

Learning Together: Israeli Innovations In Education That Could Benefit Americans, edited book written by A. Harry Passow, (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 1995)

Experience Counts: Innovative Programs For The Elderly In Israel That Can Benefit Americans, edited book written by Tamara Barnea et al., (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 1995)

Breakthrough Dividend: Israeli Innovation In Biotechnology That Could Benefit Americans, edited book written by Irvin Asher, (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 1995)

Building Bridges: Lessons For America From Novel Israeli Approaches To Promote Coexistence, (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative, Enterprise, 1997)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War II, (NY: MacMillan, 1998)

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Middle East Conflict, (NY: MacMillan, 1999)

The Complete History of the Holocaust, Ed., (CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001)

The Holocaust, Ed., Turning Points in History Series, (CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001)

The Nuremberg Trials, Ed., At Issue in History Series, (CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001)

The Nuremberg Trials, Ed., Witness to History Series, (CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002)

The Politics Behind the Rescue of Ethiopian Jews, (CT: Greenwood Press, 2002)

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Understanding the Brain, with Dr. Arthur Bard, (NY: Alpha Books, 2002)

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Middle East Conflict, 2nd Edition, (NY: Alpha Books, 2002)

On One Foot: A Middle East Guide for the Perplexed or How to Respond on Your Way to Class When Your Best Friend Joins an Anti-Israel Protest, (CA: BE, Inc., 2002)

The Founding of Israel, Ed., (CT: Greenhaven Press, 2003)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War II, 2nd Edition, (NY: Alpha Books, 2004).

1001 Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel, with Moshe Schwartz, (NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005).

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Middle East Conflict, 3rd Edition, (NY: Alpha Books, 2005).

Will Israel Survive? (NY: Palgrave, 2007).

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Middle East Conflict, 4th Edition, (NY: Alpha Books, Forthcoming 2008).

48 Hours of Kristallnacht: Night of Destruction/ Dawn of the Holocaust, (Lyons Press, 2008).

Israel Studies: An Anthology. Co-editor with David Nachmias. (Jewish Virtual Library, 2009).

The Arab Lobby: The Invisible Alliance That Undermines America's Interests in the Middle East, (HarperCollins, 2010).

Israel Matters: Understand the Past - Look to the Future, (Behrman House, 2012).

After Anatevka – Tevye in Palestine, [novel] (CreateSpace 2013).

Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam’s War Against the Jews, (Palgrave, 2014).

Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 4th Edition, (MD: American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, 2017).


“Ethnic Influence on Middle East Policy — How and When: The Cases of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment and the

Sale of AWACS to Saudi Arabia,” in M.E. Ahrari, ed., Political Battles in Washington: The Dynamics of Ethnic Participation in the U.S. Foreign Policy Process, (Greenwood Press, 1987), pp. 45-64.

“The Influences of Ethnic Interest Groups on American Middle East Policy,” in Charles Kegley and Eugene

Wittkopf, eds., The Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy: Insights and Interpretations, (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1988, 1994), pp. 79-94.

“How Fares The Camp David Trio?” in Daniel Pipes, ed., Sandstorm: Middle East Conflicts & America,

    (MD: University Press of America, 1993), pp. 109-129.

“The Variety of Coexistence Efforts in Israel: Lessons for the United States,” in Eugene Weiner, ed., The Handbook of Interethnic Coexistence, (NY: Continuum Publishing Co., 1998), pp. 468-489.

“Holocaust,” in William H. McNeill, ed. Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, Vol. 3, (MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2005), pp. 917-921.

“AIPAC and US Middle East Policy,” in Eytan Gilboa and Efraim Inbar, Eds., Issues in Contemporary American-Israeli Relations, (Routledge, 2009).

“American Jews and the International Arena (April 1, 2015–April 15, 2016): US–Israel Relations in a Crisis, a Hiccup, or a Healthy Alliance?” in Arnold Dashefsky and Iran Sheskin, Eds., American Jewish Yearbook 2016, (CT: Springer, 2017), pp. 127-151.

“US-Israel Relations and Obama’s Mixed Legacy Followed by the Uncertainty of Trump,” in Arnold Dashefsky and Iran Sheskin, Eds., American Jewish Yearbook 2017, (CT: Springer, 2018).

 “The Gap Between American and Israeli Jews Widens as the gap Between Governments Narrows,” in Arnold Dashefsky and Iran Sheskin, Eds., American Jewish Yearbook 2018, (CT: Springer, 2019).

“American Jews and the International Arena,” in Arnold Dashefsky and Iran Sheskin, Eds., American Jewish Yearbook 2019, (CT: 2020). 


“How the Palestinian Arabs Became Refugees,” Discovery, (Spring 1981)

“Ideology and Depression Politics I: Grover Cleveland (1893-1897),” Presidential Studies Quarterly,  (Winter 1985)

“The Turning Point in United States Relations with Israel: The 1968 Sale of Phantom Jets,”

Middle East Review, (Summer 1988).

“Interest Groups, the President, and Foreign Policy: How Reagan Snatched Victory From the Jaws of Defeat on AWACS,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, (Summer 1988).

“The Evolution of Israel’s Africa Policy,” Middle East Review, (Winter 1988).

“How Fares The Camp David Trio?” Orbis, (Fall 1990).

“Behind the Wire,” [film review], The Public Historian, (Winter 1996).

“How Special is the U.S.-Israel Relationship?” with Daniel Pipes, Middle East Quarterly, (June 1997).

“Deconstructing George W. Bush’s Middle East Strategy,” Perspectives: An Israel Review, (Brown University, Fall 2003, Vol. I, Issue 1).

“Academic Freedom as a Shield for Anti-Semitism,” The Journal of the James Madison Institute, (Summer 2005).

Review of Operation Solomon: The Daring Rescue of Ethiopian Jews by Stephen Spector, Middle East Quarterly, (Spring 2006).

Review of Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East 1776 to the Present by Michael B. Oren, Israel Studies (Summer 2008).

Review of Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama by Dennis Ross, Middle East Quarterly, (Fall 2016).


“The Water’s Edge and Beyond: Defining the Boundaries of Domestic Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, 1985.

Discussant, Panel on Terrorism, Center for the Study of the Presidency Annual Leadership Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985.

“Domestic Constraints on U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Case of Anti-Boycott Legislation,” Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Eugene, OR 1986.

“Domestic Constraints on U.S. Middle East Policy: The Israeli Lobby and Arms Sales to the Arab States,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL 1986.

“Domestic Politics and the 1968 Phantom Jet Sale: Explaining the Evolution of the U.S.-Israel Alliance,” Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Anaheim, CA 1987.

“Presidential Dominance in Foreign Policy-Making: The Case of U.S. Middle East Policy, 1945-1984,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 1987.

Discussant, Panel on Israel Studies, Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Banff, Canada, May 2006.

“AIPAC and U.S. Middle East Policy,” International Conference on US-Israel Relations in a New Era, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, May 20-21, 2007.

Discussant, Panel on Israel Studies: Past and Future. Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Open University, June 11-13, 2007.

“The University: The Last Bastion of American Anti-Semitism,” International Conference of the Global Forum for Combatting Antisemitism,” Jerusalem, February 24-25, 2008.

“Blunting the Israeli Lobby’s Influence: Presidential Waivers,” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Beersheva, Israel, June 1-3, 2009.

“The Other Lobby: How The Arab Lobby Attempts to Influence U.S. Middle East Policy,” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, University of Toronto, May 9-12, 2010.

“Domestic Influences on the 2012 Presidential Election: Do the Arab and Israeli Lobbies Matter?” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Haifa, Israel, June 25-27, 2012.

“The Impact of Visiting Israeli Scholars on the Field of Israel Studies,” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, June 24-26, 2013.

“Building Israel Studies from the Ground Up: AICE’s Experience Supporting Grad Students and Postdocs,” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Sde Boker, Israel, June 23-25, 2014.

“Is U.S. Support for Israel a Prerequisite for Israel’s Sustainability?” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Concordia, Canada, May 31 - June 3, 2015.

“Myth or Fact: Netanyahu Has Irreparably Damaged the US-Israel Relationship,” Association of Israel Studies Annual Conference, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, June 20-22, 2016.

“Where Does Israel Belong? The Debate Over What Constitutes Jewish Studies,” Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies,” March 15-17, 2017.

 “Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital: A Step Forward or Backward for Peace?” “The Middle East Dialogue: A New Collective Vision, Policy Studies Organization, March 23, 2018.