to my web site. I am the Executive
Director of the nonprofit American-Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) and
a foreign policy analyst. I am also
the director of the Jewish
Virtual Library. In my spare
time, I am a writer, lecturer and
I would
like to invite you to explore this
web site and learn more about my background
and views. The site includes a short
biography as well as my complete curriculum
vita. A list of all of my books is
here with links to where you can purchase
them. A list of my other publications
is gradually going to be added to the
site along with most of the articles.
can also find out about my lecture
topics and what audiences have had
to say about my speeches. My schedule
is posted and I welcome inquiries about
how to bring me to your community.
Click on the photo above for brief clips of me appearing on several TV shows.