I went online to check
the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s daily
news the other day and was dismayed
to see a photograph of “the wall.”
It was the same type of photo that
has appeared in most articles about
the security barrier and it was disturbing
because the picture presented a grossly
distorted image that has created the
broad misunderstanding of the project.
The JTA photo showed
the wall from an angle that hid what
was on either side. All you see is a
big, ugly concrete structure surrounded
by dirt that reinforces the Palestinian
propaganda line that Israel is constructing
a Berlin Wall along the West Bank to
confine the Palestinian people into a
In fact, of the 450-odd
miles planned for the barrier, only about
12 miles are concrete, the other 97 percent
of the barrier is a chain-link type fence
that you see around swimming pools in
the United States. Since every photo
in the media shows the concrete barrier,
however, the international community
has gotten the false impression that
Israel is building an “apartheid wall.”
Media distortions aside,
it is legitimate to ask, “Why build a
When I was in Israel
in November I got a firsthand look at
THE WALL. It is indeed big and ugly,
reminding me of the sound barriers that
are being constructed along the Beltway
here in Washington. I saw it while riding
in a tour bus past the town of Qalqilya
on one of the major highways from Jerusalem
to the north of Israel.
Qalqilya is a large
Arab town where terrorists could sit
on rooftops before the construction of
the wall and take potshots at folks like
me driving in their cars on the highway.
Because snipers used Israeli motorists
for target practice, it was necessary
to build a wall rather than a fence in
that particular location. And why is
the wall so high? Because if it was lower,
cars would be protected from shooters,
but not buses. The wall is designed to
eliminate the shooting angles of snipers.
Of course the whole
brouhaha over the fence is absurd. If
you go to the border of Israel and Lebanon,
what do you see? A fence! If you go to
the border with Jordan, what do you see?
A fence!
It’s not unreasonable
to build barriers between peoples. The
United States is building a fence to
keep Mexicans out of the United States.
And what physical threat do they pose
to the lives of Americans? Similar fences
are in Cyprus, Northern Ireland, Korea,
and along the border of Pakistan and
India. And where is the newest fence
being built? Saudi Arabia! It seems the
Saudis are concerned with terrorist infiltrators
from Yemen.
Even if Israel negotiated
a peace agreement with the Palestinians
to create two states, it is possible
a similar fence would be built for the
same reason the ones exist on Israel’s
other borders. Most Israelis would prefer
not to have this scar on the landscape,
but it does serve the primary purpose
for which it is intended, deterring terrorism.
It also performs a vital secondary security
role that is rarely mentioned, namely,
preventing illegal Arab immigration,
which the Palestinians use as a strategic
tactic to shift the demographic balance
within Israel.
Is the fence perfect?
No. It’s conceivable terrorists will
find ways around, under, or over the
fence. But this is also the danger with
Israel’s other barriers. Without the
fence, a terrorist faces no obstacles
whatsoever, so does anyone really believe
that a 10-foot high fence isn’t going
to be better than nothing?
Israel already has the
data to show the utility of the fence.
The number of terrorist attacks that
took place in 2003 declined 30% compared
to 2002. Similarly, there was a 50% decrease
in the number of victims murdered by
terrorists in 2003 compared to the previous
year. There were 17 suicide bomber attacks
inside Israel that emanated from the
northern part (Samaria) of the West Bank
during the months April-December 2002.
In contrast, since construction began
on the fence, throughout all of 2003
only five suicide bomber attacks emanated
from the same area. From that area where
construction of the fence has not yet
begun, namely the southern part (Judea)
of the West Bank, no decrease in the
number of terrorist attacks has been
noted. Meanwhile, not a single terrorist
has breached the fence surrounding the
Gaza Strip.
The fence can also be
a stimulus to peace because, like the
settlements, it presents Palestinians
with the harsh reality that time is not
on their side, that if they do not act
sooner rather than later, their state
will be reduced to the size of a peanut.
Had they accepted any plan offered to
them from the 1937 Peel Plan to the Barak
plan of 2000 they would have a larger
state than the one they are now going
to get. They still have a few months
left to negotiate an agreement that would
give them something approximating the
Barak plan. Once the fence is completed;
however, they will have a much more difficult
time obtaining concessions, and they’ll
have no one to blame but themselves. |